Access for Everyone Programs


Access for Everyone programs serve our community by providing a place for all guests to explore, build curiosity, and connect with their families —regardless of barriers. The Manitowoc County Historical Society’s Access Program increases accessibility to learning resources and programs for low-income families.

As part of the Museums for All national initiative, a signature access program of the Institute of Museum and Library Services administered by the Association of Children’s Museums (ACM), MCHS builds upon its commitment to seek, include and welcome all audiences with affordable membership and reduced daily admission fees.

$5 Access Admission

The $5 Access Admission program removes financial barriers, allowing families to engage in exploring the stories of our past at the Manitowoc County Historical Society. This admission rate is available every day the museum is open for general admission. Check the list of qualifying programs. If you qualify, ask for the Access Admission rate at the front desk, no proof necessary.

$30 Family Access Memberships

The $30 Access Membership program removes financial barriers, allowing families to engage in learning and sharing lifelong memories. Subsidized memberships are available to families that qualify through public assistance or certain education programs. Check the list to see if you qualify. Family Access memberships are available for a minimum of $25, but we ask that families give as much as they are able. These memberships are available in person, by phone, or by mail.

How it works

Access for Everyone programs are available to individuals and families through Museums For All, upon presenting a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card, and a valid form of photo ID. Museums for All admission rates are offered for up to four individuals per EBT card. Come back anytime! There’s no limit to how often you can visit through Museums for All.

Qualifying programs: Foodshare, BadgerCare Plus, SSDI, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Free/Reduced School Lunch, Unemployment, Medicaid, YWCA, WIC, Head Start, and Foster Care


Thank you!

The Museums for All Access program is made possible by generous donors to our Access Fund!