Themed Homeschool Family Field Trips

The Manitowoc County Historical Society provides a variety of opportunities for homeschool families and families wishing to take part in an ‘out of the box’ educational experience. Family field trip days are the perfect opportunity for families to learn together! You and your children will have the opportunity to tour the museum's many historic areas, participate in hands-on activities, and have fun! 

Review our Museum Manners and Code of Conduct before your visit to best prepare you and your students.

Tour options: View the upcoming programs below to join in one of our special family field trip days! If you are looking for a different type of experience, take a look at our traditional K12 field trip options if you have a group of 15 or more students (age 4 to 17).

Homeschool fees: Family field trip/homeschool program admission is $6 for students age 4 to 17. Children under 4 are admitted free. One adult educator per family is admitted free.  Additional adults may join in the program at a cost of $13 each

Contact: Please contact the Historical Society at (920) 684-4445 or for more information. 

Upcoming Themed Programs

Reserve one of our programs on a date that works for you:

Check out one of our traditional field trip options including ‘A Day at Shadyside School’, Trades and Occupations’, and ‘We Came to Wisconsin’.