MCHS Monograph Series
In 1967 it was decided that each year there be a series of occupational monographs. The first monograph to be published related to Joe Carbon of Branch and his experience as a blacksmith. The series published 76 monographs and continued through 2001.
Rockwood Lime Co. undated
Occupational Monograph 1 A Bit About Branch
Occupational Monograph 2 The Art and Science of Watch Repairing
Occupational Monograph 3 The Drug Store As it Was and Is
Occupational Monograph 4 Food and Its Distribution in Early Manitowoc
Occupational Monograph 5 Haymaking in the Earlier Days
Occupational Monograph 6 A History of Medicine in the Early Years
Occupational Monograph 7 From Forest to Crop Land
Occupational Monograph 8 Manitowoc County: A Leader in the Manufacture of Farm Machinery
Occupational Monograph 9 Fishing in Manitowoc County
Occupational Monograph 10 Food Processing, A Manitowoc Triumph
Occupational Monograph 11 The Development of the Dairy Industry
Occupational Monograph 12 The History of Banking in Manitowoc County
Occupational Monograph 13 History of Stoelting Bros., Kiel
Occupational Monograph 14 A History of Learnin' in Manitowoc County
Occupational Monograph 15 The History of the John Schuette Family
Occupational Monograph 16 Early Drugdom in Manitowoc
Occupational Monograph 17 The History of Manitowoc's Secondary Schools
Occupational Monograph 18 The History of Aluminum
Occupational Monograph 19 Railroads and Railroading in Manitowoc County
Occupational Monograph 20 The German Influence in Manitowoc County
Occupational Monograph 21 Opinion Molders Prominent in Manitowoc's History
Occupational Monograph 22 John Nagle's Hisotry of Manitowoc County
Occupational Monograph 23 A Chippewa Indian Tells the Story of Her Life
Occupational Monograph 24 Ceske Slovanska Lipa Opera House
Occupational Monograph 25 A Spoonful of Honey
Occupational Monograph 26 Public Libraries of Manitowoc County, 1852 to Present
Occupational Monograph 27 Limestone, an Important and Valuable Manitowoc County Resource
Occupational Monograph 28 Entertainment Tonight
Occupational Monograph 29 History of the Manitowoc Fire Dept. 1851 to Present
Occupational Monograph 30 Highway and Bridge Building, in Manitowoc County, 1836 to Present
Occupational Monograph 31 Failure of the Bank of Manitowoc
Occupational Monograph 32 Brickmaking, a Manitowoc Industry from the 1850's to About 1948
Occupational Monograph 33 History as a Ledger Reveals It
Occupational Monograph 35 Municipal Ownership and the Manitowoc, Wisconsin Socialists, 1905-1917
Occupational Monograph 36 Courts and the Legal Profession, Manitowoc County, Wisconsin
Occupational Monograph 38 Bohemians Prominent in Manitowoc County History
Occupational Monograph 39 The History of Manitowoc, Wisconsin Kindergartens
Occupational Monograph 40 The Effects of World War II on Manitowoc
Occupational Monograph 41 The Polish Influence on Manitowoc County History
Occupational Monograph 43 The Billy Schultz Circus, a Manitowoc Attraction in the 1930's and 1940's
Occupational Monograph 44 The Two Rivers Opera House
Occupational Monograph 45 The Jewish Community In Manitowoc County
Occupational Monograph 46 The J.E. Hamilton Community House, Two Rivers, 1931-1981
Occupational Monograph 50 Early Days in Two Rivers, Wisconsin 1848-1900
Occupational Monograph 54 History of School Hill, Wisconsin
Occupational Monograph 55 The History of the Village of East Two Creeks
Occupational Monograph 56 History of the City of Manitowoc From 1850 to 1860
Occupational Monograph 57 Memories and Recollections, More About the Hammond Clan
Occupational Monograph 58 Forest Fires in Manitowoc County - 1871
Occupational Monograph 60 Memoirs of Two Eccentric Personalities of Manitowoc's Norwegian Community
Occupational Monograph 61 Former Manitowoc County Superintendent of Schools
Occupational Monograph 62 History of Lakeside Packing Company, 1887-1987, A Century of Quality
Occupational Monograph 63 Joseph W. Soit and the Establishment of Point Beach State Forest
Occupational Monograph 64 The Flag of Company A, Fifth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry 1861-1925
Occupational Monograph 65 Silos in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin
Occupational Monograph 66 Early Manitowoc and a Sense of Place
Occupational Monograph 67 The Civil War
Occupational Monograph 68 Early Travels in Manitowoc County 1634-1835
Occupational Monograph 70 History of the Kunz Family in the Brewing Industry in Manitowoc, Wisconsin
Occupational Monograph 71 Two Rivers and the Populist Party in the 1890's
Occupational Monograph 72 First National Bank in Manitowoc, 100 Years of Banking: 1894-1994
Occupational Monograph 74 The 1911 Election of Socialist Mayor Henry Stolze, Jr. of Manitowoc