School Christmas programs
1948 Christmas program at Shadyside School in Manitowoc Rapids. Shadyside School is now a part of the Manitowoc County Historical Society’s recreated Pinecrest Village.
The annual school Christmas program was a highlight for many within the rural school districts in Manitowoc County. Preparations often began sometime in early November, as the teacher searched files and teaching magazines for new ideas for the annual Christmas program. It was the custom to have several plays, a half-dozen songs and a number of recitations, depending on the number of students in each of the eight grades. The success of the program either raised or lowered the social status of the teacher – even more than her performance in the classroom.
The Manitowoc Herald Times newspaper edition from December 21, 1954 described the Christmas programs for a handful of rural schools.
Mishicot #2, located on the town liens between Mishicot and Gibson, was commonly known as the Kettle Range School. Kettle Range’s annual Christmas program was held at Lorenz’s Hall. It included a candlelight procession of all the students, with Christmas carols played during the procession. Student John Lorenz sung a solo along with a pantomime of “Silent Night” by Donna McDonald. A dialogue of “A Spelling Bee” was shared by Francis Valenta, David Johanek, Wayne Krall, Mary Holmes, Dale Schmidt, Shirley Jarabek, Lynda Lorenz, Robert Holmes, Susan Rezacek, and Ernest Boettcher.
Characters in the next dialogue, “Christmas at Beanville School” were Benedict Bonfigt, Darlene Reif, Mary Lou Valenta, Dale Schmidt, Shirley Jerabek, Mildred Reif, Edward Boettcher, Jack Lornze, Carol Rezacheck, Judith Ann Krall, Robert Bonfigt, and Lynda Lorenz. The Kettle Range School program ended with all the students joining together to sing Christmas songs.
The Saxonburg School in Mishicot began with a welcome by Ronald Mueller and “Santa’s Little Workers” performed by Raymond Benzinger, Karen Schmooch, Bernard Rahmlow, Rita Mueller, Kenneth Wentker, and Joyce Schmidt. Allen Kobes, Darlene Ruether, John Barbeau, Susan Benzinger, Diane Schmoch, Paul Schmooch, and Elroy Rahmlow presented “Six Christmas cooks”. Ending the program was several choral selections by all the students, along with “A Wish” by Raymond Benzinger and “Lights Out” by Joyce Schmidt.
Miss Mary Kvitaek, the teacher at Collins School, presented their Christmas program filled with recitations, songs, and dialogues by the students. “What is Christmas” and “The Celebration of the Nativity” were shared the students in all 8 grades. Songs were sung by Grace Fischer and Roger Halverson, Audrey Sonnabend and Darlene Rabe, Billy Matznick and Doris Rusch.
Students at Sunny Crest School in Liberty Township were led in their annual Christmas program by their teacher, Miss Carol Berg. This school was also known as Eaton School because the post office was located nearby. Some reports also list this school as the Gigstad school because it was situated near the Gigstad home. For the Sunny Crest School students in 1954, after they sang “Oh Come All Ye Faithful”, student Dennis Hove gave a big welcome to all those in attendance. Grades 1 through 5 presented a “Christmas Acrostic”. The play “Miss Christmas Acquitted” was performed by Paul Berge, Myron Ahrens, Karen Helgeson, Richard Berge, Danny Evenson, Orley Skattebo, Harry Bubolz, Lois Skattabo, and Ralph Bubolz. The jury in the play included the students in grades 3 through 5.