Preserving the Past:
Stories from the Archives Blog

Manitowoc County Historical Society Manitowoc County Historical Society

Jacques Vieau's Trading Post Monument Dedicated in 1922

Vieau (called Jean Beau or Zhambo by the Indians) was an agent for the Northwest Fur Company. The Jambo Creek post was one of several outposts established by the French Canadian trader along the western shore of Lake Michigan in 1795. Others were located at Kewaunee, Manitowoc Rapids, Sheboygan and Milwaukee, which became his headquarters.

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Manitowoc County Historical Society Manitowoc County Historical Society

Native American Roots

The head chief of most of the mixed bands in our area was Waumegesako, or the “Wampum”.   He was most commonly known as Chief Mexico.  According to records, he was born in 1789 and was “a man of fine physique, erect, over 6 feet in height, very dignified and courteous in his demeanor, possessing considerable strength of character, and more than ordinary intelligence.  In his dress he was plain and unassuming, indulging in none of the fineries and tinsel so common among Indians of both sexes.”

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